* Easter 2025 *
coming to serve
Christian Churches
in Marion County, Florida!
Paul opens the book of Titus by stating that the God revealed through Jesus is faithful, true and a total departure from typical Cretan culture.
Titus's Tasks
Paul assigns Titus to appoint new leaders who live a life totally different from Cretan culture and to confront corrupt leaders who exemplify Cretan life.
The New Household
The ideal Cretan household will transform society. Its members will demonstrate the redemptive power of the gospel when they live daily by God's value system.
Christian Value System
The value system driving Christian life is based on God's generous grace and love, which appeared in the person of Jesus and transforms daily life.
The New Humanity
God's love and grace are powerful and can produce new spirit-empowered people who are faithful to Jesus's teachings in their homes, community and the world.
Topic narrative forthcoming not later than Easter 2023.
For more info, please contact us at [email protected].