* Easter 2025 *
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Christian Churches
in Marion County, Florida!
40 days (1) after the Birth of Jesus (2), Joseph (3) and Mary (4) took their child to the Temple (5) in Jerusalem (6) to present Him to God (7). This was maintaining obedience (8) to the Old Testament (9) Purification Rites (Leviticus 12:1-8) and Redemption of the Firstborn Son (Exodus 13:12-15) as set forth in The Law (10). This biblical account is recorded in Luke 2:22-40.
Present day, this event is commemorated annually 40 days after Christmas (11), in various Christian traditions known as Candlemas, Presentation of the Lord, Meeting of the Lord or Purification of the Virgin.
Prior to the Holy Family's (12) arrival at the Temple, the Holy Spirit (13) fell upon a righteous and devout man in Jerusalem named Simeon (14), telling him that he would not die before seeing the Messiah (15). Under the Holy Spirit's direction, Simeon entered the Temple courts. As Joseph and Mary brought in Jesus, Simeon took the child into his arms, praising God:
“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”
Joseph and Mary were filled with awe and wonder over Simeon's words, who then blessed them, saying to Mary, “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul, too.”
Luke's account then tells us of a prophetess (16) named Anna (17) who was also in the Temple during the Presentation of Jesus. She was the daughter of Penuel (18) from the Tribe of Asher (19). A devoutly spiritual woman, Anna was an 84 year old widow (perhaps older) who worshiped day and night in the Temple while fasting (20) and praying (21). Approaching Joseph and Mary, she thanked God and spoke of Jesus to all who longed for the redemption of Jerusalem.
Upon fulfilling the requirements of The Law, Joseph and Mary departed from Jerusalem and returned with Jesus to their town of Nazareth (22). Luke's narrative closes by sharing that Jesus grew and became strong, being filled with wisdom (23) as the grace (24) of God was upon Him.
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If you're seeking additional info about Christianity on a more personal level, consider visiting a Christian Church here in Marion County (25). Introduce yourself to members and ask to speak with someone to learn more about Jesus. Surrendering your life to Christ (26) (b) is the most rewarding, everlasting decision you'll ever make, and it's comforting to have someone guide you as you begin your new life as a child of the Most High! May God shower you with great favor in this endeavor!
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Footnotes, Page Credits and External Resources appear below. Consider printing and sharing the offered PDF narrative and other listed resources with family, friends and strangers alike for use in Bible Studies (27), Home/Church Faith Sharing Groups (28), Discipleship Encounters (29) and/or Personal Faith Enrichment!
Modifications are welcome at [email protected].
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(1) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/40-in-the-bible
(2) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-birth-of-jesus
(3) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/joseph-earthly-father-of-jesus
(4) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/mary-mother-of-jesus
(5) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/temple-second
(6) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/Jerusalem
(7) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/God-of-the-Bible
(8) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/obedience
(9) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/old-testament
(10) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-law
(11) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/Christmas
(12) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-holy-family
(13) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-holy-spirit
(14) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/simeon-nt-prophet
(15) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/jesus-the-messiah
(16) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/prophets-of-the-bible
(17) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/anna
(18) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/penuel
(19) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/asher-1
(20) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/fasting
(21) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/prayer
(22) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/nazareth
(23) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/wisdom
(24) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/grace
(25) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/listing-by-city
(26) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/the-gracious-visitor
(27) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/bible-studies
(28) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/christian-education
(29) https://www.marionmannaproject.com/discipleship
(a) Bible Gateway, New International Version (NIV) Bible,
accessed September 18, 2020, https://www.biblegateway.com/
(b) How Do I Convert to Christianity?, Got Questions Ministries, accessed January 12, 2020, https://www.gotquestions.org/convert-to-Christianity.html
Magi Visit the Messiah | The Birth of Jesus |