* Easter 2025 *
coming to serve
Christian Churches
in Marion County, Florida!
A Shepherd's Call
God calls Amos, a shepherd and fig tree farmer in Judah, to prophesy in Israel against the people's sins, especially cheating, oppressing and enslaving the poor.
Circling in Evildoing
Through sermons, poems and visions, Amos prophesies judgment against the nations surrounding Israel, and then the epicenter of Israel's wrongs. Consequences are carefully spelled out.
Power & Responsibility
Because of God's intimate covenant He made with the people of Israel, they are set to higher standards as His representatives on the earth. Israel should lead by example.
No One Like The Lord
Amos pleads with the people of Israel to turn from Canaan idols and worship the One True God, who made everything and delivered them out of Egypt's bonds.
All Nations Under God
In the midst of gloomy judgment, a hopeful promise rings out. God will confront evil and create a restored family in a new world.
Topic narrative forthcoming not later than Easter 2023.
For more info, please contact us at [email protected].
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